Video Shows Tesla Self-Driving System Mistaking Train for Procession of Gigantic, Comically Elongated Cars

Getting Off Track You'd hope that your super-duper advanced self-driving tech that you're trusting your life with knows what the hell it's looking at all the time. That, apparently, is asking a lot of a Tesla. Just take a peek at this recently viral video taken by the driver of a Model Y. While waiting at a railroad crossing, an infotainment screen visualization of the Tesla's "vision" shows that it's mistaking a passing train first as semi-trailers — then as a procession of comically huge and elongated cars, roughly the size and shape of a train. Huh! Watching the onboard […]

Video Shows Tesla Self-Driving System Mistaking Train for Procession of Gigantic, Comically Elongated Cars
A video shows the self-driving system of a Tesla vehicle identify a crossing train as gigantic, elongated cars.

Off Track

You'd hope that your super-duper advanced self-driving tech that you're trusting your life with knows what it's looking at on the road. But that's apparently asking a lot of a Tesla.

Just take a peek at this viral video taken by the driver of a Model Y. While waiting at a railroad crossing, the center console visualization of the Tesla's "vision" shows that it's mistaking a passing train first as semi-trailers — then as a procession of comically huge and elongated cars, roughly the size and shape of, well, train cars. 

Watching the onboard computer try to make sense of this mysterious transportation technology in real time is a sight to behold: the cars, already the width of the road they're crossing, grow lengthier before our eyes, flicker in and out of existence, and even show up occasionally outside the track.

"Look how elongated they are!" the driver cackles. "I have never seen that."